A group practicing with basketballs in a gymnasium

Hobby Lobby and its challenge

School & Job

Hobby Lobby’s mission revolves around enhancing the significance of informal  education, recognising that a  substantial 70% of knowledge  and skills are acquired outside  of formal educational  institutions. 

Meaningful education during leisure time is often considered a  privilege due to high associated costs and other entry barriers,  with all-day education still a rare exception. The challenge lies in  bridging this gap and making informal education more  accessible. Hobby Lobby’s aim is to make meaningful education  available to all, regardless of socio-economic background.

Thanks to the programme, “Skills acquisition through informal education”, Hobby Lobby locations across Austria will offer free  recreational training aimed at empowering socially  disadvantaged children and young people by equipping them  with crucial skills for their future education.

The courses, facilitated by volunteers and overseen by a  professional site manager, cover a diverse range of subjects  including foreign languages, natural sciences, physical  education, and creative activities. 

Looking ahead, the project aims to deliver approximately 420  courses in 2024 and 2025, offering between 4,000 and 5,200  free course placements. The inclusive nature of the initiative is  reflected in its diverse participant base, encompassing children  with additional support needs, those facing language barriers,  children with disabilities, and individuals from the LGBTQIA+  community. By breaking down barriers and providing accessible  informal education, Hobby Lobby strives to create positive and  lasting impacts on the lives of those who need it most.

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