Young man reading from a book titled 'the secret history'

Gen-E European Entrepreneurship Festival

School & Job

In the spirit partnership, UniCredit Foundation supports Junior  Achievement Europe in organising “GEN-E” the largest European Entrepreneurship Festival. 

Gen-E celebrates entrepreneurship and the achievements of European students, with thousands of young entrepreneurs, 15  years old onwards, showcasing their cutting–edge business  ideas and competing for the titles of Best Company and Best Start-Up of the year. 

The partnership between UniCredit Foundation and Junior  Achievement was announced during the Gen-E 2023 edition held in Istanbul in last July, in the presence of more than 700 students from over 40 European countries.

The 2024 edition of the festival will take place in July in Catania,  Italy. During this event the first UniCredit Foundation Re-power  your future Award will recognise those teams that either  developed solutions aspiring to support social mobility of the next generation by leveraging on the power of education, or supported their target communities through social engagement.

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