
The UniCredit Foundation is committed to supporting the brightest academic talents in the fields of economics and finance. Our initiatives support European university students in the countries where we operate  through scholarships, research grants and research awards. Our scholarships also finance the specialisation abroad of talented students  by funding PhD programmes, Masters degrees and summer schools.

Our achievements

Total donation in 2023

We award research grants to encourage the return and retention of skilled talents in Europe, while fostering a research  environment that contributes to developments in the field of  economics and finance. The Foundation’s efforts include funding  initiatives such as top-up fellowships to make European 
universities more competitive and aiding skilled economists to  secure positions, supporting the job market in Europe. 

Support for Study and Research

Our aim is to foster excellence in academia and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and expertise in economics and  finance. Emphasising the vital role of research in society, the  Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to support  academic research and talent in Europe. In 2023, we supported  six study initiatives, together worth €890,000, and 10 research  initiatives with funding of €2,163,000. Our overall commitment  comprised €3.1 million and benefited 72 recipients across the 16 initiatives. 

  • The UniCredit Foundation supports the best talents in the fields of economics and finance by launching scholarships for postgraduate specialisations abroad, open to all students in the countries where UniCredit operates.


    scholarships funded in 2023


    total scholarship fund in 2023

  • Through its fellowships, the Foundation supports research and encourages the brightest talents to improve their skills and put them to work for the benefit of Europe. 

    We fund initiatives that provide top-up fellowships to make European universities more competitive, help economists to secure positions in the job market, offer grants to reward the best papers from young economists, and support the organisation of  workshops and conferences. 

    The Educational Research Lab is our ambitious project which aims to foster collaboration in economic research and amplify the positive impact of a distinguished academic network in fostering the development of future generations.


    total research funded in 2023

  • The UniCredit Foundation funds events, conferences and  workshops in cooperation with leading European universities and research institutes to strengthen cooperation and encourage the  development of joint projects. In 2023, the Foundation helped  organise 11 events and workshops covering a diverse range of  topics and aims. 


    events and workshops organised throughout 2023

Tito Boeri

Vocational school is one of the most fragile sectors of the Italian education system. Although in principle it prepares for early entry into the world of work, this transition often takes place with difficulty. With this project, we hope to offer students some more tools to guide them in their search for employment and to better enter the labour market.”

Professor Tito Boeri

Chairman of Associazione Borsisti Marco Fanno