A conductor conducting an orchestra

Prove Aperte at Filarmonica della Scala

School & Job

Prove Aperte (Open Rehearsals) is a charity project created by Filarmonica della  Scala that opens up the  opportunity for the public to  attend concert rehearsals at  affordable prices. 

The proceeds are dedicated to supporting non-profit organisations in Milan. The initiative thrives through a valuable synergy between public and private institutions, civil society and city associations, which together have addressed many different needs within the Milanese community. Thanks to the extraordinary participation of the public, Open Rehearsals has become a major charity event for the entire city where music serves as a vehicle for sharing broader social objectives.

The UniCredit Foundation’s 11-year-long support for Open Rehearsals plays a pivotal role in identifying target benefit areas,  assessing project applications, and covering the organisational  costs of the four concerts so that all proceeds raised can be  donated to the winning projects.

The programme creates added enrichment through the “Giro di  Prova” initiative, a series of chamber concerts featuring the  orchestra’s musicians aimed at children and young people  participating in the projects of the four beneficiary organisations  to help them delve deeper into the world of music. In the days  leading up to each rehearsal, a dedicated session is set aside  during which groups of musicians from the Filarmonica della  Scala guide participants through an exploration of the stories,  authors, pieces, and instruments that take centre stage in the  programme. This special engagement enhances their musical  knowledge and fosters a more immersive and interactive  experience, creating lasting connections between the young  participants and the world of classical music.

The previous two Prove Aperte editions supported initiatives  focused on preventing students from dropping out of school and  improving the transition from school to work. 

Beneficiary organisations in 2023 were Cooperativa Comunità Progetto; Cooperativa Sociale Diapason; Fondazione Sicomoro  per l’Istruzione Onlus; and Cooperativa Sociale Diapason.

The 2024 edition beneficiary organisations will be Children in  Crisis; Comunità del Giambellino; Fondazione Don Gino Rigoldi;  and Associazione Mercurio.

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